Education is a core part of the work at King Henry’s Walk Garden, as defined in our charitable objectives.
The Charity’s objects (the Objects) are:
For the public benefit to:
1. promote the benefit of the inhabitants of Islington without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, race or of political, religious or other opinions, by associating together the said inhabitants and the statutory authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure-time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants;
2. manage community gardens for the recreation and education of the inhabitants of Islington;
3. act as a resource for people living in Islington by providing advice and assistance and organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of:
(a) advancing in life and helping people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals;
(b) advancing education.
Talks, walks & workshops
King Henry’s Walk Garden is the venue for a variety of practical workshops and talks related to gardening, wildlife and environmental themes. If there’s a topic you’d like to see covered or a speaker you can recommend, please let us know. For full details of the current programme, see the What’s On page.
Children are welcome to attend most of the workshops, as long as they are quiet. Please check with us to see if the workshop you’re interested in is suitable. From time to time we’ll arrange workshops, such as crafts, specifically for kids.
The Garden Classroom
King Henry’s Walk Garden works in partnership with The Garden Classroom, a social enterprise set up by committee member Marnie Rose, to deliver educational workshops for primary schoolchildren that are linked to the curriculum. Please see The Garden Classroom’s website for further information.
Caroline Foley, author of Practical Allotment Gardening, ran a series of workshops providing an introduction to all aspects of gardening throughout the year. Factsheets from those workshops are available to download here.